Friday, February 5, 2016


  1. What metaphor did you pick and why?
  2. Where are you in terms of PLP work? What have you done so far?
  3. Next steps going forward?

I chose the diary twice and the road map once.  At this point in students' education (i.e. middle school) kids are mostly just getting used to using a PLP as a method of uploading evidence about their learning.  While some students might know where their path may lead (as in a road map), most of them are using their PLP as a diary.

My approach to PLP's for math has been using the evidence tab as a diary.  Students upload evidence and reflect on it.  I have hit a lot of roadblocks with the logistics in uploading evidence, such as uploading multiple pictures on one page, but I am starting to troubleshoot with google docs.

The next steps moving forward for myself is to become more organized and deliberate with how students upload evidence.  Also, come up with some routine reflective piece to go along with each piece of evidence so that students take more ownership with their PLP's instead of just uploading a screenshot that I told them to upload.

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